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  • Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)

  • Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM) *in progress

  • CPR & AED

Alex Doctor:

She is one of our founding members who bought membership before we even opened our doors! She's been highly dedicated to Ethos and has had a direct hand in forming the strong community we have today.

Alex's coaching style is rooted in building competency and confidence. She can take you from good to great in the matter of just one session, and keeps you progressing.

"When you put fundamentals first, results always follow."

Coach Alex's specialities: women's strength training, athletic performance and injury prevention. She is currently working toward her Performance Enhancement Specialization certification.

Her early training experience began with competitive track & field, long-distance running and dance. Collegiate-level club volleyball at Notre Dame came next. When she started designing a strength & conditioning program and heading up the team's game-play approach, she discovered her true love of coaching.

"I was very focused on our team's commitment to training because it sparked a collective effort to win on the court."

She believes group training is no different: "we start together, we finish together no matter what your goal or skill level is."

As a former collegiate athlete, she understands the relationship between high-intensity, neurally-taxing training and the demand for recovery. She helps our clients find a balance between the two within their weekly training split to drive maximal results.

Her creativity and genuine care as a coach produces one of the most fun, supportive environments in this city. Coach Alex brings you the biggest dose of motivation in the toughest training sets.