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* B.S. Accounting and Computer Science

* Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)

* Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC)

* Certified Functional Movement Specialist (FMS L1)

* Certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (PCES) - Dr. Duvall

* Childbirth Education Course Attendee - MamasteFit

  • CPR & AED

Victoria Zahr:

Victoria, former co-founder/owner, believes achieving total health is a life-long project that starts with exceptional movement and the unshakable belief in oneself. She’ll coach you on the first and convince you of the second. Her role as your coach is executed with privilege and responsibility: I think there’s a distinct difference between just making a client sweat during a session and actually correcting movement issues while delivering measurable results.”  

Throughout her time in public accounting and IT consulting, Victoria always came back to training as a way to improve herself, and eventually made it her full-time focus. She dedicated herself to building a program that puts clients first. Period. “My session gives you what you want and what you need, all in one, where performance and results don’t have to come at the cost of burnout and pain.”

Victoria’s specialities include: strength performance, barbell skill development, prenatal training and postpartum recovery. She believes in honest hard work before getting fancy and often references: “get really good at the basics and you'll never run out of work" (Somerset). 

Come train with her and we promise you’ll be all smiles despite the grind! Speak up and ask questions. “Be an active player on the training floor with me and your progress will skyrocket.” Whether your goal is to get your first pull-up, lock in a faster row, or master the deadlift, Vic’s got you.